Friday, May 3, 2024

How to Invest in Individual Stocks and Earn Money While Doing It


Investing is something that's often misunderstood by beginner investors. They've all heard stories about millionaires and broke businessmen who've made it big investing in CDs. The problem with those stories is that they're exaggerating just a little bit. The truth is that millionaires don't care about stocks and bonds and other investments. In fact, they just don't care about anything.

Probably the biggest single hurdle holding people back from investing is simply a lack of funds. However, what if told that you could start investing in just a handful of different individual stocks today, with only a one-time maximum of $100? In this series, we'll show you exactly how to invest in individual stocks and earn money doing it...that is not an exaggeration either.

I recently had an experience that changed the way I think about investing for the rest of my life. It was so good, that I decided to tell my story in the above article. What I did was build a small portfolio of one or two stocks using a robo-advisor service like Betterment or Wealthy Affiliates. I was able to see what my actual returns would be with an account balance of $100k, and was shocked by how much money I made after I funded and started an investing program like robo-advisors.

After I funded, I started building my portfolio and watching it grow. Then I went back to my original stock mutual funds and reinvested some of my profits into additional stocks. Now I'm a millionaire. I continue to reinvest and build my portfolio every day. As I've got bigger investments, I continue to get better returns and have investors calling me every week asking how they can invest in my portfolio.

The best part was that instead of having to buy new items for my portfolio each month, I only ever had to make one buy. Since I know the value of everything in my portfolio, I always know what to buy at its peak and I know when to sell individual stocks. This allows me to ride out market peaks and market crashes easier than the average investor. The best part is that this works all the time.

For instance, let's say I have four individual stocks that are earning me a small profit. Now, let's say that one of these stocks goes on a 4 month long downward trend. I have enough cash in my IRA to cover my losses in this one stock, because I have sold all of my other stocks. So the downside to this scenario is that if this stock does go on a long downward trend, I won't be saving any money due to my limited liability entity. However, I can use my robo-advisors to get started in this direction by investing $ 100 in each of these four stocks.

The next best ways to invest in your IRA is to use automatic teller machines (ATMs) and automated teller board machines (ARTMs). I like both of these methods since they have very low commissions and you can set up the ATM machine to get an alert each time it gets a deposit. Usually the alert will give you the difference between what the customer paid and what the customer owed. I set up my personal account to tell me the difference between what the customer owed and what their bill actually was. I have even been known to manually enter the information into one of the systems that operate the ATMs to double check it.

The last best way to invest in your IRA is to start investing in your IRA's individual stocks and bonds directly through a broker. If you are looking for the best of the best when it comes to finding investments to make, you need to find a good broker who specializes in mutual funds. A mutual fund is an investment that pools together various different types of investments to form a diversified portfolio. You should only invest in mutual funds with a good track record of beating the S&P index over time. With a little bit of research, you should be able to find some excellent mutual funds with no cost to you.